Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Understanding Stocks


Students shall be able to

  1. define corporation,

  2. read a newspaper stock listing,

  3. define PE,

  4. define sales (and round lots),

  5. define stock prices (high, low, close and change),

  6. explain why stock prices follow a random walk,

  7. explain short sales,

  8. define short sale,

  9. define cover,

  10. explain margin buying.



  1. Students will take notes about stock transactions and stock reports.

  2. Students shall read "How Stocks and the Stock Market Work."

  3. Students shall complete a crossword puzzle on "How Stocks and the Stock Market Work."

  4. Students shall establish an account for the purpose of tracking a stock portfolio.


  1. Read "How Stocks and the Stock Market Work."

  2. Complete crossword puzzle.

  3. Create your stocks spreadsheet following online instructions.



Monitor and adjust as needed. Check notes in notebook.