Advanced Placement

United States Government & Politics

... at Klein Oak High School


Welcome to AP U.S. Government and Politics!

Our primary goal is to help you prepare to successfully take the U.S. Government and Politics exam from the College Board. In so doing we also want to make you an effective citizen of our democratic republic.

AP U.S. Government & Politics Exam: Monday, May 3rd at 8 am!

Here's the problem: class instruction will end four months before the test. What chance will you have of passing the AP exam? Slim, unless you arrange to come to the review sessions that will be scheduled beginning immediately after spring break. So either commit yourself to those review sessions or don't waste your money on the exam.

This is a political science class, not a history class!

Early on we will visit the history of our republic because that is when the rules were created. So we need to know about the founding, especially the Constitutional Convention and the early days of the republic when procedures were being developed. But then our focus will turn to the policy process.

We will focus on everything that impacts the policy making process. Policy is made by Congress and the President, and influenced by the Supreme Court. So the question is what impacts that process. We have to look at the institutional rules but also at how we make policy decisions. How do people get elected to office? Why do people behave politically in the ways they do? We have to consider socialization and the role of the media, etc.

You have taken U.S. History, probably AP!

We want you to remember the content but you must understand that this is a different kind of test for a different kind of course. The "free response" questions on the government exam, for example, are completely different from those on the APUSH exam. We want short, to the point responses. Forget well developed paragraphs with clearly articulated explanations. More on this later. For now, just know that you cannot answer our free response questions like you did those on the APUSH exam.

Welcome. Ask questions. Make suggestions. Enjoy the class!