Hofheinz Pavillion


  1. Go south on I-45 towards Galveston.
  2. IMMEDIATELY after passing the exit for Highway 59 to Victoria, get into the right lane.
  3. Exit SCOTT Street. BE READY, the exit comes soon after the 59 exit.*
  4. Turn right on Scott and go to the Scott/Holman intersection.
  5. Turn left on Holman and park in the lot across from Hofheinz.
    Go to the gym for lineup.

* If you miss the SCOTT exit, take the Calhoun exit. Turn right onto Elgin,
left on Cullen and right on Holman. Park in the lot in front of Hofheinz.


Click here for a map to The University of Houston campus from Intercontinental Airport. [You are leaving the Klein ISD server.]

Click here for a campus map. Hofheinz Pavillion has a red circle around it.

Garrison Gymnasium

Garrison is right next to (in fact, attached to) Hofheinz. The entrance is on Holman Street, just west of Hofheinz.

Click here for a campus map. Garrison Gymnasium has a red circle around it.