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Counseling Website
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Course Selection
For current 8th and 9th grade students.

Parents: Student Drop-off

Please follow the signs at the parking lot entrance when dropping off or picking up students. Enter at the north end of the lot only!

Did you know?

We had over 800 new Panthers at Fish Camp this year!

EOC Test Strategies PowerPoint

Click here.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I need to see my principal?

What do I do if I need to see my counselor?

What do I do if I am late to class?

Where do I get dropped off for school?

What do I do if I am late to school?

What do I do if I have been absent from school?

What if I need to leave school early?

If I have a doctor’s note and have missed only part of the day, what should I do?

What do I do if I am assigned detention?

What do I do if I need to ride another bus home?

What if I lose a textbook?

What if I lose my tablet PC?

What if I  find another person’s text book or personal articles?

What if I lose something?

What if I become ill while I am at school?

What if I need to take medicine?    

What do I do if I need information about my schedule, or if I have a personal  problem?

What are the IPOD/electronic device rules ?

What do I do if I have a cell phone?

10 Things You Need to Know About the 9th Grade Wing

  1. All students are to walk counter clockwise in the outside hallways—That means that when you enter from the main building—you are to turn right (there will be arrows to guide you)

  2. There are 3 staircases in the 9th grade wing. One is for traveling upstairs and two are for going down.

  3. The middle hallway may have traffic going in both directions.

  4. All students that are in the 9th grade wing for 4th period, will have “A” lunch.  This begins at 10:45am. If you are in the main building for 4th period, you might have “B,C,D lunch.

  5. All students are expected to wear their IDs on their lanyards. You need this ID for tardy station, use of the library and to get lunchs. This is mainly for safety.

  6. Students will be assigned D-hall / ISS for tardies. After the 2nd tardy After School Detention (ASD) will be assigned. Students with repeated tardies after that will be assigned In School Suspension.

  7. In terms of discipline — Conduct warranting detention after school (ASD) will be from 2:35-4:35 in the ISS room of the main  building.  ISS will be in the 9th grade wing room 1001.

    ISS is Instructional:
    Students will have two to three hours of math and science work alternating with 1 hour of social studies and elective work.

    Should you not have any work in electives, there will be TAKS reviews for you to work on. You will be allowed to put down your head down or interfere with the education of others. Should you be sent out of ISS—a parent conference will be set up when you are picked up or when you return to  campus.

  8. Should you get sent home for an infraction warranting OSS—you will need to meet with the head principal with a parent upon your return. A ten percent (10%) grade penalty is incurred for class assignments missed due to OSS.   

  9. There will be many incentives during the year for excellent conduct and good grades. Plan to be part of the “A" TEAM!